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Goliath is a picture of every obstacle we face as men. Every man faces Goliaths of temptations, trials, issues, betrayals, inferiorities, and disappointments. When David was about sixteen years old, his dad sent him to take food to his brothers on the front lines. His dad didn’t send David to help fight, just to carry some biscuits. David’s dad always underestimated him. He was the youngest of eight boys. When Samuel visited their house—a really big deal—David was left out with the sheep, forgotten. Now, when David arrived and Goliath called out for a champion, David’s heart resonated. “That’s me!”...

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Meet Steve Trevino at this year's Lions Roar. He is the epitome of our theme at Lions Roar this year, "Born to Serve." Working covertly, he has helped plant 800 underground churches in some of the most dangerous nations on earth. Catch his passion for the lost in his message at Lions Roar, and in today’s Brave Men Motivation. What if we truly excelled at equipping one another to reach those ready to hear the gospel? Think about it. Jesus provided explicit directions to His disciples. It wasn't a casual "I'm stepping out, you guys handle this." No, He tasked them...

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Here’s how to defeat your excuses. Yep, we all have them. And we're good at them. Here's the key. Make decisions against yourself. That’s right – don’t take your own excuses – just get up and do what you need to do to accomplish your ideas. Then make it a habit. In the book, Just a Bartender, we said, the opposite of fear is – START. Make the decision to start. Don’t negotiate with your negative self-talk…or the negative world around you. Daily get in God’s Word, read the stories of the disciples – men who didn’t always get it right,...

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Today’s Brave Men Motivation comes from Dr. Doug Stringer. Doug is founder and President of Somebody Cares America/International (SCA/SCI). Somebody Cares has received recognition for the organization’s work nationally and globally. His years of ministry have taken him to numerous communities and nations; from urban to foreign missions; from garbage dumps to the palaces and halls of government leaders. And he’s also one of our incredible speakers at Lions Roar this year. Let today’s motivation give you courage to win the day. How many times have you felt like your back's been up against the wall? You’re in a place where it...

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Stop to read Romans chapter 8 today. In it you’ll read things like this: What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither...

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