Goliath is a picture of every obstacle we face as men. Every man faces Goliaths of temptations, trials, issues, betrayals, inferiorities, and disappointments.
When David was about sixteen years old, his dad sent him to take food to his brothers on the front lines. His dad didn’t send David to help fight, just to carry some biscuits.
David’s dad always underestimated him. He was the youngest of eight boys. When Samuel visited their house—a really big deal—David was left out with the sheep, forgotten.
Now, when David arrived and Goliath called out for a champion, David’s heart resonated. “That’s me!” His brothers laughed at him, but God had given him a new identity.
When David was out in the fields the servants and sheep, in his quiet moments, in the places of intimacy with God, David had grown large. He wrote songs, prayed, worked the sheep, and killed dangerous animals like lions and bears.
The private moments David spent with God gave him confidence in the public adversity of Goliath.
David was no longer the boy marginalized by his dad or scoffed at by his brothers. He was a champion on the inside, and it was about to come out.
Hearing the call for a champion, David finally told the men around him, “That’s me!”
When you kill the lions and bears in private, you can defeat the Goliaths in public.
When we unite in faith, those giants begin to tremble.
At Lions Roar, we're not just gathering for a conference; we're assembling an army of Davids, men who have spent time in the quiet places with God and are now ready to run toward their true identity in Christ.
As we come together, we'll remind each other of the powerful truth from Romans 8:37 - that we are "more than conquerors."
Grab two brothers and claim your spot at this year’s Lions Roar.
We are only a few weeks away and seats are almost gone so take action today.