The Movement
Every Child Deserves a Loving Dad
Global Fatherhood Initiative is a human justice mission focused on defeating fatherlessness and stopping child abuse. As a result of sweeping global success, CMN has launched the Global Fatherhood Initiative—a strategic effort focusing on defeating fatherlessness, ending child abuse, and setting men free from sin and Satan.
Global Fatherhood Initiative speaks the message of the Gospel in the language of the culture. This lowers resistance to the Gospel, allowing the ministry to reach every area of culture. From the leaders who train others, the ministry spreads and grows organically, so it becomes:
- Measurable. Results are verifiable that it’s working.
- Reproducible. It can be replicated locally and grown without constant direct intervention.
- Sustainable. It has deep impact and becomes a part of the cultural fabric.

Build Men, Build Churches, Transform Nations
CMN is a network of men, and missionaries to the men of the world. 36,000 leaders training men in 108 nations.
For almost 40 years, the Christian Men’s Network has trained men to be servant-leaders to their families, churches, and culture, and challenges men is to keep their word, become responsible fathers, faithful husbands, and men of character — Christlike men.
Brazil Immorality and corruption has the country imploding from the inside. CMN has 5,000 churches conducting a mentoring program for men, to learn how to be better citizens, workers, and fathers.
Peru Two out of three children below the age of 12 are abused. Abandoned kids roam the streets. CMN has 20,000 men being mentored by trained men who have completed the CMN program.
Belize The sixth highest murder rate in the world, with 40 percent poverty, and one of the major thoroughfares to the US used by drug cartels. CMN linked together Lakewood Church and Gateway Church to train fathers, lower the recidivism rate in the nation’s prisons, and conduct training camps for young men
Bolivia By the age of 12, 86 percent of women are abused. CMN is training 700 leaders who will train men, in order to start a men’s movement in every major city
Uganda Alex Mitala took one copy of Maximized Manhood and many Bibles to save the nation. Alex engaged the men of a backward, immoral, polygamist nation, the epicenter of the AIDS epidemic, and taught them sexual morality and marital fidelity. They launched a movement dubbed GLOVIMO that helped bring down the rate of AIDS in the nation from 33% to 6.4%
Botswana The unofficial HIV rate is the highest in the world. CMN teams from the US and Uganda have deployed, resources have been shipped, so by God’s grace the Uganda Miracle will repeat in Botswana.
Bulgaria One of the largest human trafficking portals in the world, CMN has launched men’s training in 5 major cities and translated half the CMN curriculum into Bulgarian.
Germany The gateway to all of Europe for CMN is quickly becoming a Godless country. The CMN German Council is publishing newly translated CMN resources, convening large conferences and laying plans to impact the men across what is considered a “fatherless country.”
Amsterdam Men’s mentoring groups are meeting in new church plants, bringing a vibrant, youthful energy to cut through old religious stereotypes.
Iran Maximized Manhood is being translated into Farsi to be distributed over the Internet. Partnering with Iran Alive and others, CMN is making inroads into the underground churches to spark a groundswell of men
Pakistan The first Urdu translation is completed. CMN is working with a network of 65 churches to disciple men
Indonesia More than 60 men's centers and mentored over 450,000 men in Maximized Manhood, many of them formerly trapped by in this, the largest Muslim population in the world.
Russia Alexander Shaposhnikov publishes all the Russian books through his Biblical View Publishers, and now Pastor Igor Sokolov is translating the workbooks. They are working together with teams coming in from other nations, and plan to reach across this broad nation.
China 3,500 men have been taken through men’s camps in central China.
Mongolia Within 15 years of this nation first receiving the Gospel in 1985, CMN resources were already translated and training men. Now CMN Director Badamjorg Jigjigsuren is using the materials to plant 1000 churches across the country, building them with men.