Meet Steve Trevino at this year's Lions Roar. He is the epitome of our theme at Lions Roar this year, "Born to Serve." Working covertly, he has helped plant 800 underground churches in some of the most dangerous nations on earth. Catch his passion for the lost in his message at Lions Roar, and in today’s Brave Men Motivation.
What if we truly excelled at equipping one another to reach those ready to hear the gospel? Think about it. Jesus provided explicit directions to His disciples.
It wasn't a casual "I'm stepping out, you guys handle this." No, He tasked them with a monumental mission: "Go into all the world, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them, teaching them to follow all I've taught you." A colossal task, indeed!
But here's a thought: Would Jesus, knowing the vastness of this mission, leave us without a game plan? Would He say, "Good luck" and leave it at that? Of course not.
The Lord has entrusted us, His church, with the greatest responsibility, but He's also gifted us with a strategy to fulfill it.
We're equipped, not just with a mission but with a method.
Let's embrace it with confidence, follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, and march forward together!