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How do we fight the attack on the family? Because it is an attack. And it isn’t new. Since the day Adam and Eve were deceived, there has been a blistering attack on the family. And the center target of the attack is the father. The war on men and manhood is ominous and dangerous. It is fully focused on destroying families, abusing children, and killing off legacy. The tragic consequences of fatherlessness have never been more clear. Fatherless children are: 8 times more likely to go to prison 10 times more likely to be drug addicts 5 times more...

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You are not just a man; you are a warrior in the lives of your children. When a father affirms his child, it paves the way for forming a resilient and healthy identity. Whether or not you had a strong father figure, your call and duty is to become the rock your children need. God has accepted you, sent His Son to prove His love, and reconnected with us through forgiveness. This is the example provided to us that we must embrace and let it fuel our purpose. The central mission of a good father is not to raise up...

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It’s time to start telling yourself a different story about what it means to be a father. And that story begins with recognizing God as our Father. Jesus said to pray, 'Our Father who is in heaven.' It starts with a declaration of relationship. He is our Father.  He didn’t say to pray to the great sovereign one, or great creator, or even God our healer. It is much more personal. Our Father. Jesus taught us to pray to ‘Our Father in heaven.’ Why would he use that picture, that image, for us to relate to him? Father—a word that...

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Are you tired of feeling trapped in a life story that doesn't align with your true identity? Do you find yourself defining your worth by your job title or professional achievements rather than by who you are in Christ? It's time to rewrite your narrative and discover the real you. On this weeks Brave Men podcast we crack the covers of my new book, Identity: Finding the Real You and Why It Matters. We dive deep into the power of the stories we tell ourselves and how they shape our lives. We uncover the crucial link between identity and self-worth through biblical...

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I was sitting with Coach Bill McCartney in a small group of men. As always, Coach was intense and focused. He had won an NCAA national football championship and launched a massive ministry to men called PromiseKeepers. Now we were talking strategically about ministry to men and reaching men for Jesus. Then Coach made it personal … He brought us all back to our personal life as the basis for being effective in ministry. He was right. What he said next, I’ve never forgotten. Coach said, “Your wife’s face is a reflection of your heart.” I’ve never forgotten his words...

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