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Day 9 - Success, Endurance, Hope
There is one guarantee in a race: if you don’t start, you can’t win. Seems simple, yet we have a tendency to live that way too often. We have a dream, a promise, a vision but we don’t start. The only way you can succeed is to start. The only sure way not to succeed is not to start. God wants you to start so you can succeed. Everything God has ever done has been successful. In fact, God has never had an unsuccessful thought. Success is what God does. God wants that for your entire year—and for the next decade. What is...
Day 8 - Increase your capacity in 2019
Solomon inherited a kingdom from his father, the great King David, and was immediately surrounded by enemies, palace intrigue, a complex culture, big obstacles, and facing a huge assignment. He asked for wisdom, and God gave him wisdom. But God gave Solomon something more—God gave him largeness of heart. Why? God gives us wisdom, understanding, and largeness of heart, meaning capacity, because we are not large enough today to fight tomorrow’s battles. God essentially told Solomon, “I’ll give you wisdom, but you’re not large enough to contain the wisdom that I know you need. So, I’m going to increase the capacity of your heart and soul.” Our...
Day 7 - Your dreams can change everything
Your dreams are important. Your dreams have great value because your destiny is locked up inside your dreams. To unlock a dream and go after your destiny requires courage even in the most determined of men. Going after a dream means risk, work, sweat, tenacity, pain, turmoil, faith, and even failure. But only when you commit fully to your dreams, will you embrace your destiny. You know the joy of achievement only when you’ve been willing to accept the risk of failure. The key to understand is, your dreams are not just for you. They are for everyone around you. The Kingdom...
Day Six - What Defines You?
What you allow to define you will determine your destiny. All decisions flow from your identity. Satan’s temptations of Jesus Christ began with an attack on his identity: “IF you are the Christ…” (Matt. 4). Every move forward in your dreams and visions for 2019 will start from the foundation of your identity AND every obstacle and attack of the enemy starts in the same place. Who you are always becomes what you do. We become the size of the dreams we are courageous enough to pursue. Or we shrink to the size fear allows us to become…which is always smaller than...
Day Five - Be bold!
My friend Gene was in prison for 37 years for a murder that someone else committed. The day he was released, he immediately took a plane to Texas. He didn’t check the weather or wonder if his baggage would make it or hang around for just one more cup of penitentiary coffee—he was free! When you’re free, you get out of there! Freedom is exhilarating…an atmosphere and attitude of joy…an unrestrained life. Freedom is the amazing gift Jesus Christ has given to every believer—so why would we keep hanging around the prison? Paul wrote: “It is for freedom that Christ has set...