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When the first news reports hit in January of 1999, my heart fell onto the floor and broke into a thousand pieces. I was bludgeoned by the pictures and the story. And now, it's coming to the screen on February 1. A man and his two little boys, Philip and Timothy, had become true heroes of faith. From that first report in 1999 to today, I have watched as this man's wife Gladys built a powerful charity that loves on the people of India.  This is one of the most inspirational and powerful stories I've ever heard. It is the dramatic story of...

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Start the new year with a new outlook and attitude! The CMN book, Power of Potential, is one that many leaders consider a favorite because of its string of gems for career guidance and business ownership. In fact, men around the world have built huge business enterprises based on these principles, and many others have had outstanding success. CMN ministry friend and statesman Stan Toler left us a year ago with a legacy of more than 100 authored books, leadership in the Church of the Nazarene, helping to launch John Maxwell's Injoy Club, and also with this brilliant Foreword for this powerful...

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This is a little long, because it’s crucial, and something most men today miss. Too often we shrink our dreams to match our resources. For 2019, you need to understand that the most important resource you have is friends. Someone you know has the key you need for every vision you have. Scripture tells us to honor all men, love the brotherhood.  “Honor all men.Love the brotherhood.Reverence God.Respect the king.”1 Peter 2:17  One of the notable marking points of the life of Jesus Christ was his close friendships. He lived in a brotherhood. Friends are life’s greatest shock absorbers. The Bible says: “A friend loves at all...

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The often-overlooked key to living larger is a vital component of a vibrant life. It is the counter to the human tendency to selfish living and negativity. This key is called generosity. The central evidence of love is always giving. God so loved the world that he gave (John 3:16). To love others is to be willing to bless them, to see them prosper, to help them without regard to personal compensation or return. The prophet Isaiah said this about generosity: “The smooth tricks of scoundrels are evil.They plot crooked schemes.They lie to convict the poor,even when the cause of the poor is just.But generous people plan to...

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The world is full of toxins—negative words from others, depressing news reports, misunderstandings, disappointments, and our own internal voices programmed by past failures. This year, we must detox our lives. God’s ultimate victory, not our past mistakes, must permeate and sustain our hearts. As we press into our 2019 goals, we must be aware that what looks beautiful on the surface could be our undoing. It’s like this…. In the early 1940’s, a visionary entrepreneur was forced to abandon a canal he was building near Niagara Falls in upstate New York. Eventually, the government permitted a chemical company to dispose of 21,000 tons...

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