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Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Reverence God. Respect the king.
The Brotherhood of Commissioned Men are hosting a Daniel Summit in Phoenix. We are meeting for an essential roundtable and dialogue on biblical masculinity. This important gathering of commissioned men will happen June 7 and 8 in Phoenix. This is a God-moment in a critical season. This Daniel Summit is by invitation for the Brotherhood of Commissioned Men of CMN. We need you there. At a crucial moment in the spiritual alignment of nations, in a season in which manhood is mis-defined - men of God must stand for truth. The Brotherhood of Commissioned Men are the men who do the work,...
Stephen Mansfield on “Building Your Band of Brothers” hits deep!
Bestselling author Stephen Mansfield captivates once again with his stunning teaching, “Building Your Band of Brothers.” Men in previous generations grew up knowing their fathers, uncles, grandfathers, cousins and brothers. Stephen Mansfield says today, 71 percent of men cannot name a best friend. The average man can’t name another man to call if he has a serious problem. The average man can’t name a man who inspires him. So what do men do? They are dying from suicide and hopelessness because they don’t have meaningful relationships with men who care about them. They don’t understand true manhood, don’t know who they’re meant to...
9 days left to watch FREE featured videos
This month, in a fast-paced and powerful video, Pastor Kevin Goff teaches from personal experience how he learned all over again how to apply the Word of God to his life. Watch Kevin’s brilliant message, “We Need Each Other,” in the AchieveLab channel called “Shame/Guilt/Fear: Getting Unstuck.” What “unstuck” this popular Phoenix pastor from depression and impending divorce started with applying Romans 12:2, “Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” He learned to “take every thought captive to the knowledge of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 2:5). Next, Kevin and his wife M’Lisa Goff sought accountability according to...
News From Mongolia
Eight hundred years ago, the warrior kingdom of Mongolia was one of the largest and most feared in the world. Then came centuries when Genghis Kahn's proud descendants were conquered by neighboring Russia and China. Mongolia became a dark, unknown, hostile nation,influenced by Buddhism from China, ruled by communism from Russia, and largely agnostic. Then a miracle happened. In 1992, the first Mongolian Bibles were produced. People began to receive Jesus Christ! Churches formed and grew. The first men to become Christians also became house church leaders. One of the first books those young Christian men read was Maximized Manhood. The message...
TD Jakes on the world’s top content provider for Christian men
Bishop TD Jakes rocked our world at the last CMN Global Summit. YOU DIDN’T MISS IT. View this great message here. Get motivated and energized by the most powerful content every curated in one website for men--all while helping CMN reach men around the world! Just sign up as a member of the CMN Team with a monthly or annual gift to the ministry. In this powerful video, Bishop Jakes states that 80 percent of all suicides are committed by men. Why? Men don’t open up, especially about how life is changing and jobs are changing. “Men tend to talk about what they do. Women talk...