The Brotherhood of Commissioned Men

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A Guide to Godly Focus

Do you struggle to stay focused on what truly matters in a world of constant noise and distraction? Are you ready to unlock the power of intentional focus and transform your life?

Take a page from Nehemiah's playbook and learn how to master the art of focus in the face of overwhelming challenges.

When Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, he was faced with a scene of utter devastation: abandoned tools, crumbling walls, and a spirit of fear hanging in the air. It was enough to make any man want to turn tail and run.

But not Nehemiah. He knew the secret: Focus is not about greater intensity. It's about greater intentionality.

Here's how Nehemiah mastered focus and how you can, too:

  1. Pause and Breathe: When everything screams for immediate action, take a step back....

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