Commissioned Men Instructions

Dear Commissioned Man,

Welcome to the your new home!

We will soon be taking the Brotherhood of Commissioned men “behind a wall” for commissioned men only. Together with other commissioned men, you will have new opportunities, privileges, communications, and responsibilities that will be communicated through this special portal.

To establish your commissioned status, simply follow the directions below.

Already, we have established a relationship with a highly established college to provide a special opportunity. Your commissioning studies can now be used to achieve either a Bachelors degree, or even a Masters degree in Theology. Watch this video to learn more. This is just one of the many new opportunities afforded ONLY to commissioned men. Be sure to use the link below to join the Brotherhood.

Join your brothers today! Use this link to email the following information:

Provide your name, date of commissioning, name and location of church or organization where you were commissioned, name of leader who commissioned you.

We’ll be in touch with you and get you started on your way!

Your CMN Team

Christian Men's Network has formed a special partnership with Christian Life School of Theology Global to offer college credit for commissioned men who have completed nine CMN books.  Turn your CMN Commissioned Man experience into an Asssociates Degree, Bachelors Degree, Masters of Theology

Learn More