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A warrior is not a man of war
We live in a world of conflict, chaos and disruption. The world is looking for peace, striving for peace, having meetings about peace, doing everything they can to find peace. The problem is that they’ve defined the problem, but mis-defined the solution. The solution is Jesus Christ. The world defines peace as the absence of conflict or the absence of war, but God defines peace as his presence even in the middle of the war or in the middle of the conflict. Another definition that we mis-define is what a warrior is. A warrior is not a man of war....
We have a mission
Jesus gave you and me a mission and that mission is to disciple men in every nation. But that's bigger than one man or one group. It's going to take a brotherhood. You are part of that brotherhood. A passionate team of allies. Brotherhood is the theme as we gather for Lions Roar 2018 on November 8-10 in Dallas, Texas. Come join us. Be part of something larger than yourself. The world’s definition of manhood has been confused, mis-defined and chaotic. We're coming together to bring clarity, and it's the clarity of Christ. We’re gathering as men who passionately care...
You Are Not Alone
God's man, the prophet Elijah, got depressed, discouraged, down. He cried, “Oh God, nothing's right! Nobody cares, and I'm the only guy who's following you.” But God told Elijah, in essence, to stop stressing. He said, “There are 7,000 other men just like you.” Whether you’re up or down right now, you need to know that men who have the same passion you have are gathering for Lions Roar 2018 in Dallas this November 8-10, and we want you there. Our theme this year is “Brotherhood” because it's about coming together as brothers to accomplish something we can't do by ourselves. Our message is:...
Lion or tiger? Becoming one of these could kill you...
If a lion and a tiger fight, the tiger will almost always defeat the lion. But if five lions and five tigers fight, the lions will almost always win because the lions will form a pride. They form a brotherhood. The tigers lose because they continue to fight individually. Lions Roar 2018 in Dallas on November 8-10 is about brotherhood. It's about resilience, grit, determination. It's about falling down and getting back up. You are personally invited. Come belong to a band of brothers who have learned that it's better to be together as brothers, in a pride, than to...
Please come join me
Many of the greatest Christian pastors, thought leaders and men’s ministry specialists on the planet will join us this November in Dallas for Lions Roar. Please come join me there. You’ll see old friends, brothers such as pastor Joe Onosai, who made his second trip to CMN Mongolia this year and is attending along with CMN Mongolia’s Budmaa Jigjidsuren. And you’ll meet new allies, men such as R.T. Kendall, the famed pastor and teacher, author of more than 50 books—at least one you’ve probably read. And, the powerful author and speaker Stephen Mansfield, who wrote bestselling books on Winston Churchill, George Bush, and Brotherhood....