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Today as men, we must have the spirit of a David—ready to shout and to recognize, “The battle is the Lord’s!” When the giant, Goliath, was hurling insults at the intimidated army of ancient Israel, David RAN into the battle. Today also, we must move with strength, with speed, and with power, and go into the battle—NOW. What are the giants that come against your life? Financial pressure? Temptations that too easily take you down? Despair that hits you in the heart? Relationship hurts that never heal? IT’S TIME TO KILL THE GIANTS. Back when Goliath was having his way with the armies...

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For forty days, every morning and every afternoon, a drunk giant screamed curses at a king and his army. Not one man in that band of warriors was willing to tell him to shut up.Forty days! Parading in front of a battle-hardened army of thousands of men…and the entire army was intimidated. The giant would shout, “Give me a man, that we may fight!” Then he’d bellow his insulting question: “IS THERE NOT A MAN THAT WILL STAND AND FIGHT?” Israel’s army sat under heaped insults until the day a young teen, David, showed up bringing food for his warrior brothers....

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Don’t fall into the negativity trap! Make success a habit in 2018! The great golf instructor Harvey Penick was asked by one of his students, “How do I get out of sandtraps?” Harvey replied, “I’ll eventually teach you that. But first, I’ll teach you how to stay out of sandtraps.” Life is full of traps. Some we see, and still walk into them. Others are unseen and we are surprised when captured by them. Regardless of whether we are caught or not, they are all around us every day. I’m no golf pro, but I know about traps, so let me coach...

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THIS SEASON, HERE’S ONE THING EVERY MAN MUST HAVE In creation, God said the things he created were “good.” After he made man, he said that creation was “very good.” If you listen to someone read Genesis chapter one, you hear, “it was good…it was good…it was good…it was good…it was good…it was very good.” But, God never said it was “perfect.” We weren’t made to be perfect. We were made to live according to God’s purpose and to be “very good.” For some of us, that takes the performance trap right off the table. You can’t be a perfect man,...

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A friend texted last Saturday, the day after the intensely powerful Lions Roar 2017 Summit concluded, "What a fantastic week! Are you in recovery mode?"I knew what he meant—it was a monumental undertaking. But at 5:30am the day after launching huge momentum from the success of the Lions Roar Summit, I woke up fired up!  Something so deeply significant has transpired that it will be played out for months, or perhaps years to come—and we are filled with the confident assurance that God's hand is upon us!To open the Summit strong, we spoke the scripture from Zechariah 4:6 over our gathering, "Not by might, nor...

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