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Ezine - 5.29.20 - Pentecost/Justice
This Sunday is known as Pentecost Sunday, the day we commemorate the birth of the Church. It is a holy day, revered around the world, celebrating life in Christ, the fullness of His presence in the believer, and the establishing of His Kingdom on the earth.What Jesus put into motion was fully launched on the day of Pentecost. Fast forward to present day...There can be no more vivid reminder of the battle between good and evil and the need for the power of Pentecost than what happened last Monday night while we were in the middle of ministering Strong Men in...
Memorial Day
Take full advantage of your freedom. It was paid for with a great price.Today in the United States we remember those men and women who paid the ultimate price for liberty – they gave their lives so that we would live in freedom. Around the free world during the course of each year these national memorial times are held, and they are sacred. In New Zealand and Australia, it’s Anzac day, in Germany it’s capped by a song of remembrance that says, “I had a good comrade, he walked by my side."That is the true brotherhood – we walk together.In...
Achieve Lab - Freebie - Javon & Jurgen
Instead of watching Netflix again this weekend, do something to strengthen your faith, build your character, and cause you to stand strong during these tough times.To help you here are two powerful resources, FREE for the next two weekends. Do you keep spinning your wheels, trying to get moving, to get started, to get focused? Here's your free pass to get wiser, better-prepared, ready, and motivated to build a life of significance but you have only a short window to get it, digest it, share it.Javon Ruff had hundreds of men stand up and SHOUT at the last Global Summit as...
MNM Reminder - 5.18.20
It’s week eight of our CMN Monday Night Men global men’s intensive, live streaming on YouTube and Facebook. Tonight, we’re talking about one of the greatest gifts you can receive and more importantly, give.That gift is forgiveness. In tough times, you can be your own best friend or worst enemy. By forgiveness, you do yourself a service; by unforgiveness, a disservice.Forgiveness is basic to Christlikeness. God’s love is tough enough to continue forgiving, continue loving, regardless of the injustices we do to Him.Daniel forgave. Even in the face of cruel injustice, he forgave his captors, the men who ransacked and...
MNM Reminder - 5.11.20
It’s week seven of our CMN Monday Night Men global men’s intensive, live streaming on YouTube and Facebook. Deals used to be sealed with a handshake and a man’s word. Today you need to sign a dozen documents, give your social security number, and fill in a secret code sent to your phone—and that’s just to buy a pair of socks online.Maybe it’s not that extreme but you get the point. We live in a litigious society today. A world where a man’s word has become empty and meaningless. A major sign of manhood is in a man’s word. To be conformed...