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Jesus had a word about war – and peace.Peace is always the result of strength - yet war seems always on the horizon. We live in a violent, chaotic world. One in which evil men are ever-present. We can try to ignore the issues as ‘over there’ or ‘in that urban city’ or somewhere ‘not where we’re at’ – but that won’t make them go away.What wins – is our faith.And the determination to hold on to faith in the face of all hell ... and to walk into that hell with courage.The world is full of bad-hearted men against...

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Courage is needed in a world of conflict, chaos, and disruption.The picture above shows brave men lining up to get into Ukraine. They are heading to the sound of the battle. And it's a vivid reminder of the call to every man of God, in every town and village of the world to head to the sound of the battle. The world defines peace as the absence of conflict or the absence of war, but God defines peace as His presence even in the middle of the war or the middle of the conflict. Courage is the result of trusting Him.Our...

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What an exhilarating and remarkable day.Key leaders just gathered in the CMN Fort Worth studios for a full-length two-day Majoring in Men broadcast into Pakistan and the Urdu-speaking regions of Asia.With hundreds of pastors involved across Pakistan and the region, this was the next thrust of the Dangerous Nations outreach. The first of three powerful modules of teaching is called "The Courageous Man Event". These three in-depth modules roll out over a six-month cycle. Module two for Farsi is next up. You and I are part of what the Lord wants to do in the nations.Reach men, save families, build churches...

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Until Osama bin Laden was captured in a little village in Pakistan most of us never thought of this nation. Today Pakistan is a land in chaos with a persecuted but thriving church and a thriving global center for militant jihadists. We’re going to Pakistan next week. The next country in the Dangerous Nations outreach campaign in which we’ll train hundreds of pastors and leaders.The global goal of the Dangerous Nations outreach is to train 50,000 pastors and leaders in the most dangerous nations of the world to disciple 5,000,000 men ... shifting the balance, changing the future.Pakistan is the fifth...

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While our world obsessively embraces fear, chaos, and negativity – the man of God embraces faith in Jesus. We find our identity in him, and we find courage. Courage is the result of trusting Jesus – and that builds faith."For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” - 2 Timothy 1:7COURAGE! We’re launching the new Monday Night Men on Monday, Feb 7. 9 pm Eastern on YouTube and Facebook. Get your book and join me!Courage is trusting God to be God. That he will keep his word. That is faith...

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