What Was He Thinking?

For the first time in U.S. history a Senator has been convicted of being a foreign agent. It’s not the first time men in the federal government have been guilty of taking bribes. It’s been a regular occurrence for a century. But they get discovered. The FBI finds out, or something happens.

What was Senator Robert Menendez thinking?

It’s most likely he thought he had it handled. That his coverup would work. That a few million dollars on the side wouldn’t be discovered. He’ll most likely appeal his sentence, but at this point the 71-year-old former leading Senator is going to jail for 11 years.

My wife and I were talking about another man that recently got caught. I said, “What was he thinking?” She said, “He was thinking he could get away with it.”

Simple, profound answer. But you can’t. Even if no one finds out – it’s in your heart. It scars your life. You know … and you know He knows.

Right now – we have this remarkable gift. The forgiveness of God. His mercy and grace.

Let’s take a minute. Now. Pray.

“Father forgive me of my sins. Heal my heart. Make me new. I accept responsibility for the things I’ve messed up, done wrong, got off track. Thank you for the restorative power of the Cross. That Jesus paid the price for my sins. Father, heal my heart and mind, that I would walk in the center of your new life. That I will become the man you designed me to be, the man I desire to be, and the man the people I love need me to be. Thank you. Amen.”

So, now what are we thinking? We’re thinking we’re forgiven. Free. New. Fresh. Ready to run the race. That’s life in Christ.

This is a rinse, repeat, daily. You may have to change a few things, make amends. It's a process of living in freedom. Clean. Hebrews chapter 10 says that the sacrifices of the First Covenant (Old Testament) forgave men but could not clean their conscience. Jesus changed all of that. In Him we have total freedom of thought and motivation and purpose and joy.

Live free today. Go after your purpose.

Love God, love people.