Paul and members of the CMN team have been conducting ministry this week on a Middle East trip kept quiet for safety.
Today, they've conducted pastor and leader training in Egypt to launch an all-out campaign to the Arabic-speaking men of the world.
Please join the team in prayer. This is one of the most significant doors in the history of this ministry to men--an outreach to men who are in desperate need of Jesus..
The response from the leaders there has been "beyond awesome," Paul texted. "We're fired up!"
Watch the update from Paul recorded at the foot of the great pyramids.
One CMN Team member wrote, "This is so fitting, to stand where Jesus grew up as a boy. Jesus knew that one day, CMN would bring the life-giving message of Christ to the men in this region."
Please continue to pray for Paul and the team.
And please pray about giving to fill the gap. $12,300 is still needed for the Arabic translations to move forward.
Thank you for being an integral member of this brotherhood. Thank God for your prayers and your part in reaching men for Christ in some of the darkest places on earth.
We are CMN. We rescue men.