Strong Men, Stronger Brazil

Strong Men, Stronger Brazil

CMN Brazil is on fire! We just completed a powerful 12-day intense mission tour and key events in Brazil with hundreds of leaders from across the nation.

Led by Fabio Nishimura and Marcos Pohl, this ministry is impacting thousands of families every day in Brazil. Fabio heads the University of the Family, which is the key ally that brought CMN to Brazil.

What a fantastic partnership, as CMN is now in every state of this great nation.

CMN Brazil conducted the first sword ceremony in Brazil's ministry history. It was a historic occasion with remarkable men of God, key pastors and leaders who are discipling hundreds of thousands of men, rescuing families, and raising up a new generation of warriors for Jesus.

Over 160 men were in this powerful ceremony, adding to the hundreds who have been commissioned with medallions.

It is truly amazing to see what has happened over the past decade after CMN Brazil was launched by our brother Jorge Nishimura with a vision and mission to reach men across Brazil.

Together with Ps. Jose Maria and now Marcos Pohl the team stayed with it, worked hard, prayed, and persevered. Amazing results are happening every day in thousands of Maximized Manhood and Unique Woman groups nationwide.

CMN is a key partner in a powerful revival happening in Brazil. Men following Jesus with passion and strength.

Thank you, our brothers in Brazil, for an amazing trip and such strong results.

Hundreds of marriages have been saved, thousands of children have new fathers, hundreds of thousands of men have been impacted, and hundreds of churches have grown because of strong men.

And thank you to you, my friend, because your giving makes this happen around the world - taking Christ to families in desperate need.

Strong men make strong families, strong families make a strong church, and a strong church is a transformation agent in culture. Christian Men’s Network is committed to helping pastors and leaders raise strong men - now active in over 100 nations / 50 languages.

Hope is alive; Hope has a name, and the name of Hope is Jesus!!

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CMN is on the move around the world.

We are lifting up the name of Jesus!

We are CMN, we rescue men!