I was sitting with Coach Bill McCartney in a small group of men. As always, Coach was intense and focused. He had won an NCAA national football championship and launched a massive ministry to men called PromiseKeepers. Now we were talking strategically about ministry to men and reaching men for Jesus.
Then Coach made it personal …
He brought us all back to our personal life as the basis for being effective in ministry. He was right. What he said next, I’ve never forgotten.
Coach said, “Your wife’s face is a reflection of your heart.”
I’ve never forgotten his words from that day until today. It is a guide for my life. It is a check on my busyness, motivations, goals, and priorities.
I must admit sometimes I wish Coach hadn’t said that. But it helped me. It has made my life richer.
I pass it on because I love you.
Now, you’ve got it.