Tired of the negative pandemic or negative politics? Here’s what to do: Join us Monday nights at 9pm and learn the steps to get into or out of any negative situation.
The series called “Never Quit” will teach you how to leave 2020 stronger than you started…. God wants to restore all to you.
Take the example of King David who faced a negative situation as he transitioned from one period of his life to another. As a young man, David was anointed to be king. Big problem because Israel already had a king, Saul.
David had to patiently wait. But God used those years to prepare David to reign. King Saul, meantime, in paranoid jealousy, kept attempting to murder David. David and his band of men constantly found ways to evade Saul’s assassins.
Then one day David had a weak moment and a bad idea. In a time of great stress, anxiety for his family and followers, out-and-out weariness, he made a “degenerative decision.” He moved his men to the land of the Philistines, enemy territory.
Decisions determine destiny.
David a choice made while suffering from frustration and descended to the lowest point in his life. There's a high cost to low living.
David compromised his position, and, in doing so, he compromised the people who depended on him. Once David had compromised in one area of life, this godly leader began to compromise in other areas. David soon lied, committed fraud and deceived men who trusted him.
David’s decision took him away from God’s will but not out of God’s reach. You are never too far from God that He can't work in your life!
David’s response to the disaster was to repent. He confronted his mistakes in truth. Then he “encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord his God.” He repented, encouraged himself in the Lord and then got back into the fight. God empowered him to overtake the enemy, defeat them and recover all that had been stolen ... and that's God's promise for you and me!
Tonight we’ll be looking at how to position ourselves before God so that He can take our weaknesses and turn them into His strengths.
Join us tonight and be encouraged in the Lord! And someone you know needs the same - tell him. It's the fourth powerful week of our CMN Monday Night Men global intensive, Never Quit. We start at 9:00 PM EST / 6:00 PM PST.
So, set a reminder on your phone and show up tonight at 9:00 PM EST. YouTube at the ChristianMensNetwork YouTube channel or on Facebook at CMN MONDAY NIGHT MEN.
And be sure to subscribe to our CMN YouTube channel, it allows us to minister to more men around the world.
The antidote to negative situations is to repent, encourage ourselves in the Lord and then get back in the fight. Because God is a God of restoration!
MNM - Never Quit - Lesson Four (Chapter 3)