MIMF - Free Announcement

MIMF - Free Announcement
It’s a massive war against an unseen virus … and in the middle of the battle, men are in an emotional, spiritual and financial crisis. Spouses are fighting, alcohol is flowing, porn is surging, anger and frustration are raging, kids are suffering. We must help men or we’ll have a baby boom in December and a divorce boom in the Summer.

To get men the help they need, we need an army of strong leaders.

The powerful new Majoring In Men Foundations is an in-depth training course for leaders and churches worldwide. Built on 40 years of experience, “Foundations” is a tightly-packed, twelve-part online video course that lays out the Biblical strategy to disciple and raise up strong, godly men. Since the course launched, CMN has been charging $96 to gain access.


CMN will underwrite your entire training to build strong men.

Click here now. The Majoring in Men Foundations Course. NOW FOR A LIMITED TIME PAID IN FULL. 

This powerful twelve-part course is now FREE to every man who wants to train for leadership. Business leader, worker, pastor—you can take this course and start reaching men for Christ and building the local church!

This is a huge move of faith considering the unprecedented times we are living in. Over the months ahead, 100% of the event income for CMN is gone. Overall, we have dropped by more than 50%. But, the world is at war. Heaven and Hell in the balance.

This is war. And we are warriors.

The Majoring in Men Foundation course has been proven to bring church growth.

Increased Salvations: In small groups or classes, men engage the Gospel, men come to Christ. Discipleship happens when men minister to men.

Increased Growth: Disciples make disciples. Fully committed and engaged men bring friends and coworkers to church, no matter where they may be gathering. And, they bring their entire families.

Increased Workers: Understanding the mission, men are willing to work for the cause of Christ. Discipled men will get their hands dirty. They want to be equipped and empowered and put to work.

Increased Giving: Understanding their purpose, men freely invest in the church. Increase comes as men become identified. Identification leads to involvement, then investment, then increase.

Increased Influence: Influence comes from helping men solve problems. Discipling men solves cultural issues - the pastor gains positive influence within the community.

Increased Personal Time: Trained and empowered men do the work of the ministry. The result is increased time for the pastor to study, pray, minister, teach—and disciple.

Here’s how Dr. Dwayne Pickett, Ph.D. experienced it.

“When we launched Majoring in Men in our church. We did exactly what they said, adapting it to our own culture. We had always had a passion for discipling men, and this gave us the pattern. The curriculum has built strong men - I know my men have my back, they're involved and investing. We have four campuses and our strong men are now impacting the city.”

Dwayne Pickett, Ph.D.,  New Jerusalem Church, Jackson, Mississippi

CMN’s most significant days for reaching men are ahead!

God is doing something remarkable and we are moving with great intensity. You, your church, your friends' churches, the church across town, can all experience dramatic results.

There has never been a time when the need for ministry to men was greater, and the resources to do it more accessible. 

When we reach a man for Christ, we touch the nation.