Gideons 300 Dispatch

These are strong days for CMN as the Lord leads us into one mission field after another for Christ and Christlike manhood. The following will be of great interest to you. Please read it all.

Vietnam is a nation in which the ministry to men is growing and expanding in depth and results.

After years of travel and broadcasts into this storied nation, CMN's ministry to men has ignited into a full flame that is having a powerful impact.

And... we need a few men who are willing to teach and train the men in Vietnam. Face to face!

Phuong Le, our leader there, has a team of young men who want to take their nation for Christ. Eddy Leo and the men in Indonesia are mentoring these young leaders ... but they need our help. We're going September 9 - 20 this year.

What these champions need now are men who will come to help minister, to share from their depth of ministry, and to encourage the young leaders to move with wisdom, depth, and the blessing of a father's spirit.

The nation is safe for travel, a common destination for the international adventurer, the food is great, but the need is greater.

Would you please consider joining Phuong and other CMN brothers on a missions trip to Vietnam this September?

Please write and she'll send you some details. You can also text or call me, but she'll be your main hub of communication.

Egypt and Jordan are ready to GO.

I cannot overstate, hype, or exaggerate enough to give you the full impact of our recent outreach in Egypt and Jordan. In Egypt, churches are starting their second or third men's groups, and sending men to other churches to start theirs.

It's not us doing it, although when we show up there it helps them a lot. It is a sovereign work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of men and it's astonishing. Breathtaking.

In Jordan, every denominational leader said, "We want this for our men." Every one. Not a naysayer in the bunch. Let that sink in.

In February, a team of men will be going back to stoke the flames, hold pastors' meetings, men's events, and meet individually with leaders, both in Egypt and in Jordan.

If this is an area of the world that touches your heart, please write and she'll get you the information, and connection with the other brothers who are going.

You can go to just one nation or the other or, as some of the men did last month, travel to both. The men there will welcome you and you'll be a tremendous blessing to them.

And if you haven't registered yet for Lions Roar, please do so today, here.

Let's keep the momentum going by joining together as brothers, encouraging each other, learning from each other, and just loving each other.