The Brotherhood of Commissioned Men

Commissioned men, who have completed nine books of the Majoring in Men® curriculum, are eligible to enter a new dimension. Click here and provide your commissioning details and we'll connect you into the Brotherhood.

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Unlocking the Power of Mentorship and Personal Growth

When an eight-year-old boy asks his father a profound question about life, it's a moment that demands more than just simple advice. It's a catalyst for a conversation that has the power to transform lives and redefine what it means to be a leader.

In this episode of the Brave Men podcast, we're joined by Fred Ichniowski, a seasoned business consultant and boxing commentator who shares his unique insights on the powerful distinction between mentoring and coaching, and the impactful moments that have shaped his career.

Through heartfelt stories and hard-won wisdom, Fred takes us on a journey from his childhood connection with his father through boxing to his transformative experience in leadership and personal growth. He hits us with a memorable acronym about grace, influence, and the qualities that transcend titles—Humility, Vulnerability, Accountability, and Courage (HVAC).


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